Conjugaison du verbe slip out of one's clothes [v.]
-slip out of one's clothes
Islip out of my clothes
youslip out of your clothes
heslips out of his clothes
weslip out of our clothes
youslip out of your clothes
theyslip out of their clothes
Islipped out of my clothes
youslipped out of your clothes
heslipped out of his clothes
weslipped out of our clothes
youslipped out of your clothes
theyslipped out of their clothes
Iwillslip out of my clothes
youwillslip out of your clothes
hewillslip out of his clothes
wewillslip out of our clothes
youwillslip out of your clothes
theywillslip out of their clothes
Ihaveslipped out of my clothes
youhaveslipped out of your clothes
hehasslipped out of his clothes
wehaveslipped out of our clothes
youhaveslipped out of your clothes
theyhaveslipped out of their clothes
-slipping out of one's clothes
-slipped out of one's clothes
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
slip into one's clothes slip out of one's clothes flip one's lid drop down on one's knees slip one's mind flip one's wig drop one's serve